– heart-shaped –
Aizenmyoo-do of marriage
Mt.Nesugatayama is not is’superb view only!
Marriage of attractions, it’s a power spot!
Aizen of love opens luck
“marriage” Buddha
Reproduce NaraHoryuji Temple of the Yumedono to two-thirds of the size of.(June 11, 1974 establishment)
Your Buddha “rāgarāja”, the original Kamakura Hachiman Aizenmyoo-do Of ithas been said that the work of sculptor Unkeiin your Buddha. Revered, to Kodakara, marriagein particularis of vitalf or women, etc. As Mamorihonzon, the people of the beginningaround to wards the locallt has been widelv faith.

Aizendo annual festival
Ema, talismans, and talismans containing your wishes will be burned after prayers at the Aizendo Reitaisai held every June. Goshuin stamps for Aizen-do can be obtained at the Sanroku ticket window. Please ask before using the ropeway. (300 yen included)
Aizen-do amulets and ema are available at shop SAKU.
In the precincts of Aizen-do, there is a place to dedicate ema (votive plaque). Please come and visit us.
It takes about 10 minutes on foot from Sancho Station to Aizendo.
In addition to this, we handle various amulets. At Aizen-do, we offer prayers and sell them.
hrow Calmball(Nagomidama) wish come true
Calmballwas passed through awheel,
encounterspreads when exposed to acalmrock.
It sells itfrom when your prayer.